
HTML5: Is it Ready for Showtime?


May 21, 2010

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Design & Development

Well, the word is out. It’s announced all over the internet that HTML5 is going to be the most awesome thing since, well since sliced HTML (cue drumroll). Most of the hype over HTML5 has been pushed by Apple, likely as a ploy against their competitors, Adobe and Microsoft. Although HTML5 has some long awaited features that will enhance our browsing experience, is it really ready for showtime yet? In short, no. And here’s why…

It may be useful to understand the process new code goes through before trying to understand why HTML5 is not ready yet. Currently, it is only in Phase 1 of the development process, although right on the cusp of being fully standardized and released by the W3C. Even after it is officially released however, HTML 5 still needs to go through the long process of accessibility in all major browsers, and then the release to the general public.

Apple’s attempt to blow Adobe Flash out of the water is creating a major push for HTML5 to be ready as soon as possible, but with the complexity of creating and implementing a new coding standard it’s highly unlikely that HTML 5 will be ready anytime before 2015.

Although their attempt to push development forward more quickly is noble, I believe Apple is creating false hope for iPhone and iPad users. Most of them will be content thinking that HTML5 is going to replace flash soon, so they don’t worry about the fact that their new device doesn’t support flash. What the users don’t know is that it’s such a long way off before HTML5 is fully supported.

For those looking to have cool new video, drag-and-drop, fancy fonts, and other features on your brand new up-and-coming website, you may want to consider getting a standard HTML site for now, and upgrade the site to HTML5 when it’s fully supported by common browsers. Until then, we’ll keep you up to date on HTML5 and let you know when it’s showtime!

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